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Friday, February 17, 2012
Special Force PH DFIgames.com Error Problems
by GM_Atrocity
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Please read carefully depending on your error we got different fixes, so follow it step by step.
Solutions are updated when required.
For Data invalid / Game setting error or Special Force.exe stopped working follow guide A.
For SECURITY MODULE ERROR - 2 follow guide B.
For Hshield failed to run, UnInitialized, or any other hackshield error follow guide C.
For Black bars on both side of the screen when in game follow guide D.
For Start Error 6(and 5) follow guide E.
For Win32 Application Error follow guide F.
For Hackshield Error Code 0x00000204 follow guide G.
For Hackshield Error Code 0x30000030 follow guide H.
For Connection with Server has been lost. / Game freezes and Disconnects every few minutes follow guide I.
For (FAIL: Launcher - Connect). follow guide J.
For Cannot find 'curllib.dll'. Please, re-install this application. follow guide K.
If your problem is not listed or The guide did not fix your problem follow guide Z.
SF already installed please uninstall first.
A. Data invalid / Game setting error / Special Force.exe stopped working
1. Before you continue please make sure you do not have the following program installed.
SPEEDbit Video Accelerator *The program causes a Direct X conflict which crashes Special Force.
2. Once you uninstall it Special Force should work again if not please continue with Step 3.
*Update 18/01/12*
3. Download the Cumulative Patch File and install it.
(Manual Patch Client)
4. Now log into the game and let it finish patching if required and it should run without problems. If this does not fix it then please continue with Step 5.
(Please back up your screenshot and replay tapes first)
5. Now uninstall Special Force
6. Delete the DFIGames Folder (if it was left behind).
C:\Program Files (x86)\DFIGames\
C:\Program Files\DFIGames\
7. Re-install Special Force using our our Client Installer.
(If you still have the Client Installer 13 October 2011 -643MB then you don't need to download again)
(Full Client Download PH)
8. After the installation has been finished, follow Step 3 again and install the patch client.
9. Now try running Special Force.
10. If this still does not fix your problem, please post your Codename here and we'll contact your further.
1. Make sure you have a anti-Virus and run a full computer scan.
2. If you do not have a Anti-Virus installed, get AVG free version here
Free Version AVG 2012 Click here
3. Let it update the virus definitions.
4. Run a full computer scan, and you should find something.
5. Now try running Special Force.
C. Hshield failed to run, UnInitialized, or any other hackshield error.
1. Please make sure to add the following 2 files to you firewall allow list, it will prevent any issue's with patching hackshield and running it;
The two files are located in 1 of the following folders.
C:\Program Files (x86)\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\HShield\
C:\Program Files\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\HShield\
2. Also make sure to check your windows firewall, if it is turned on you will need to add the same files on your windows firewall;
For how to add programs to Windows Firewall list guide click here
For how to add programs to Norton 360 Firewall list guide click here
3. Now try running Special Force again, if the error still consists please continue with Step 4.
4. Depending on the Operating System you are using follow either Step A or B.
A. Windows XPl;
1. Go to start and and choose run and type in "services.msc"
2. In the new window scroll down until you find "DNS Client"
3. Right click it and choose "Stop"
4. If everything went ok your SF should be able to run now.
B. Windows 7
1. Go to start and and type in "services" in the search bar at the bottom.
2. Click on the result that states "services" exactly without the .exe or anything else.
3. In the new window scroll down until you find "DNS Client"
3. Right click it and choose "Stop"
4. If everything went ok your SF should be able to run now.
D. Black bars on both side of the screen when in game.
New wide screen monitors will often have this problem, to fix follow the steps below.
1. On your screen itself physically press the option/menu button.
*For Laptops you will have to go to your monitor properties and change it there.
2. Choose size and position and select it.
3. Toggle the image size option to wide.
4. Now when you start a game the black bars should be gone.
E. Start Error 6(and 5).
The screen resolution your Special Force Client is set to is not supported properly to fix follow the following steps.
1. Login to SF and select a server.
2. Go to options at the top right.
3. Click on default at the bottom and then confirm.
4. You should be able to run Special Force without the error anymore.
F. Win32 Application Error.
1. Your dfilauncher.exe is not working properly, you can get a new one here
(New dfilauncher.exe *Updated 4/01/12* Download Click Here).
2. Replace your old dfilauncher.exe with the new one you just downloaded.
The file is located in 1 of the following folders by default.
C:\Program Files (x86)\DFIGames\Special Force PH\
C:\Program Files\DFIGames\Special Force PH\
3. Restart Special Force and you should be able to run it.
G. Hackshield Error Code 0x00000204.
1. Open you task manager by right clicking on your task bar and select start Task Manager.
2. Go to services and look for a service called Machine Debugger Manager or MDM and stop it.
(If you cannot find the MDM in your list go to the next step)
3. Now found the mdm.exe file and delete it.
The file is located in 1 of the following folders by default.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\VS7DEBUG\
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\VS7DEBUG\
4. Restart Special Force and you should be able to run it.
H. Hackshield Error Code 0x30000030.
1. Your HSUpdate.env is not working properly, you can get a new one here
(New HSUpdate Download *Updated 4/01/12*).
2. Replace your old HSUpdate.env with the new one you just downloaded.
The file is located in 1 of the following folders by default.
C:\Program Files (x86)\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\HShield\
C:\Program Files\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\HShield\
3. Restart Special Force and you should be able to run it.
I. Connection with Server has been lost. / Game freezes and Disconnects every few minutes.
1. Before you continue please make sure you do not have the following program installed that might be blocking Hackshield.
Process Blocker *I won't need to explain as to why this is blocking Hackshield now do I?
2. Once you uninstall it Special Force should work again if not please continue with Step 3.
3. Locate the file HSUpdate, double click and run it.
HSUpdate.exe (note there is 2 HSUpdate click the one with the shield)
The file is located in 1 of the following folders by default.
C:\Program Files (x86)\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\HShield\
C:\Program Files\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\HShield\
4. Now go into the Update Folder.
5. Now locate the autoup file and right click it and run as administrator.
The file is located in 1 of the following folders by default.
C:\Program Files (x86)\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\HShield\Update\
C:\Program Files\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\HShield\Update\
6. Now in the new window select Start Update and let it finish.
7. Once it's done try running Special Force, if the issue still persists continue with Step 8.
8. Go to your Special Force folder and delete the Hshield Folder.
The folder is located in 1 of the following folders by default.
C:\Program Files (x86)\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\
C:\Program Files\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\
9. Once deleted try running Special Force again it should redownload all the required Hackshield files.
10. If this does not fix your problem please make a post here and we will contact you by email.
J. (FAIL: Launcher - Connect).
1. Make sure the servers are not down for maintenance.
2. If there is no maintenance then check your Special Force folder and make sure it has the letters PH behind it as shown below.
It should normally be installed in the following path;
C:\Program Files (x86)\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\
C:\Program Files\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\
A) If the letters PH is not shown as stated on Step 2., means you have the wrong client.
Please download the correct client by following Guide A. to fix your issue.
B) If the letters PH is shown then please continue with step 4.
4. Open CMD;
A) For Windows XP go to your start button and click on Run and type in CMD and click ok.
B) For Windows 7 go to your start button and type in cmd in your search bar and press enter.
5. type: tracert and press enter
6. Once the script has finished right click on the cmd window and click "Select All"
7. Press CTRL+C to copy all the information
8. Open a note pad file and Paste in the information you just copied from CMD.
9. Run another check on your public IP by going to http://whatismyipaddress.com/
10. Send the notepad file and your public IP shown on Step 9 to support@dfigames.com with the subject: "FAIL: Launcher - Connect for GM Atrocity".
11. Once we have received your email we will run a check and reply to you.
K. Cannot find 'curllib.dll'. Please, re-install this application.
1. Make sure the curllib.dll is available in the Special Force PH folder.
The file is located in 1 of the following folders by default.
C:\Program Files (x86)\DFIGames\Special Force PH\
C:\Program Files\DFIGames\Special Force PH\
2. Depending on whether the file is there or not follow either step A or B.
A. If the file is there and you are getting this error then skip to step 5.
B. If the file is not there you can download a new curllib.dll from below.
(New curllib.dll Download *Updated 19/01/12*).
3. Now Unzip the file you have just download to your Special Force PH Folder.
The folder located in 1 of the following folders by default.
C:\Program Files (x86)\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\
C:\Program Files\DFIGames\Dragonfly\Special Force PH\
4. Once it's done try running Special Force again, if this does not fix your issue continue with Step 5.
5. Go to the following website and download Microsoft Visual C++ and install it.
(Microsoft Download Center for Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)).
6. Once installed try running Special Force and it should be fixed.
Z. If your problem is not listed or The guide did not fix your problem, please send a email to support@dfigames.com or post your error here and we will help you with your issue as soon as we can.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Newest Special Force SF PH SFPH Soldier Front PH SG SF2 Client and Patch Feb 15 2012
Newest Full Client Download as of Jan 18 2012:
Patch Date: 15 February 2012
Download Manager Plugin For Firefox Users (Prevents Broken Downloads):

Patch Date: 15 February 2012
Download Manager Plugin For Firefox Users (Prevents Broken Downloads):

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